A History of Bruneau, Idaho
“If you blink, you’ll miss it.”
Bruneau, Idaho, to most people is just a dot on a map or a wide spot in the road. but to those that have experienced life in Bruneau, it’s more. With the most comprehensive collection of Bruneau photographs ever published, Bruneau Then and Now, looks back through the history of families, neighbors, and friends who have all made the town and area what it is today.
Available through the Owyhee County Historical Museum in Murphy, Idaho. Please call 208-495-2319.

This 2 CD Audio book is narrated by John Saint Ryan. Written by Ray Hunt and Edited by Milly Hunt Porter.
Think Harmony With Horses – Audio CD
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Think Harmony with Horses by Ray Hunt was published in book form in the fall of 1978. The book material was gathered during the many hours of listening as Ray shared his feelings and ideas about horses with many eager students. Ray had been on a quest to share his feelings about horses since he had been influenced by “the horse’s lawyer,” Tom Dorrance, a decade before.
In the early years, especially between 1971 and 1978, facilities were whatever would work for a group; from empty spud cellars and summer ice arenas to Jordan Valley Rodeo arena during a pouring down rain (well, most everyone had a slicker), this photo was taken at such a gathering.